Tree Variations Self Check

We took this recursive tree version and changed it in different ways. Your goal is to figure out what we changed in the code. The original code and picture are shown below:
tree block definition tree level: (5) size: (100)

slanted tree

Choose one:

We changed the turn amount between branches.
We changed the scaling factor (how much the length decreases each time).
We added additional recursive calls to the function and other angle stuff to make it all work out.
tree with extra branches

Choose one:

We changed the turn amount between branches.
We changed the scaling factor (how much the length decreases each time).
We added additional recursive calls to the function and other angle stuff to make it all work out.
tree with longer and longer branches

Choose one:

We changed the turn amount between branches.
We changed the scaling factor (how much the length decreases each time).
We added additional recursive calls to the function and other angle stuff to make it all work out.
tree with same-size branches

Choose one:

We changed the turn amount between branches.
We changed the scaling factor (how much the length decreases each time).
We added additional recursive calls to the function and other angle stuff to make it all work out.
tree with right angle branches

Choose one:

We changed the turn amount between each branch.
We changed the scaling factor (how much the length decreases each time).
We added additional recursive calls to the function and other angle stuff to make it all work out.