Secret Keys

Caesar Ciphers and Substitution Ciphers

On the previous page (or at some point in your life), you might have used a substitution cipher to encode your message. Perhaps you just shifted each letter of the alphabet by a certain number (like 4):
That's a Caesar cipher (named for Julius Caesar).

Or you may have substituted letters without keeping them in alphabetical order, like this:
That's a general substitution cipher.
  1. Imagine a pair of wheels, pinned together at their center like this:decoder ring
    The person who receives your message has to know how to decode it. Describe a method for decoding a message that is created with a Caesar cipher. How would you decode a message created with a substitution cipher? What are some ways you could make the substitution cipher a more secure alternative to use?
  1. It turns out that even a general substitution cipher is relatively easy to break because certain letters in our language are used more frequently than others. You might have used this idea to break your partner's code on the previous page.

Better methods of encryption

There are many other methods for creating secret messages.
A technical name for "creating a secret message" is encryption. Decoding a secret message is called decryption.
Many of them follow the pattern shown in this image (taken from Blown to Bits page 171).
Diagram of cryptographic scenario from Blown to Bits page 171
  1. This picture shows a way that Alice and Bob might send a message that Eve doesn't understand. What would Eve need in order to decrypt the message?
  1. Read "Secret Keys and One-Time Pads" (Blown to Bits pages 169-173) to learn about Vigenere ciphers and methods used during World War 2 and the Cold War.