Graphics and Art

Ruthless Suggestions from Al

PG: I, too, agree with Al. Almost no new content here, but new ideas for using that content. Suggest some new ideas and let the kids go. Remember to include Albers algorithm first.

BH: I really don't like the manual filling of regions here. Either we program it or we do something different.

MF: consider making OP per comments OR at least more open ended

Videos should be hinted. --MF, 5/14/19

On this page, You will create and use blocks that let you draw polygons, circles and stars to explore art and graphic design.

Abstract op art just-reds op art red-and-blue op art just-blues op artAbstract op art reflected
    remake these two images with plain prototype labels. --MF, 5/14/19
  1. If you have not done so already, build a block to draw a regular polygon of a given number of sides and a given side length.
    polygon, sides: (number of sides) side length: (length) { repeat(number of sides){move (length) steps; turn counterclockwise (360/number of sides) degrees}}
  2. You may also wish to build a custom block to draw a rectangle of given length and width.
    rectangle, length:(length) width:(width)
  3. In the scripting area, set out a collection of the tools and blocks that may be handy in creating your art work. You can adjust the input values for these blocks as needed as you create your art. This video shows how to create some overlapping regions and then fill some of them with color.
    Animation on making your own modern art by overlapping various polygons and coloring the formed regions.
  4. Make your own art. Explore a few different combinations of shape and color. Take screen shots of your art work and share them with the class, perhaps on a class web page if your class has one.
  1. Share Your Work with another pair.
  2. If you see some feature or code that you like, build something like it in your own program.
  1. Look up the works of artists like Josef Albers, Maya Hayuk, Vassily Kandinsky, Atta Kwami, Kazimir Malevich, Carlos Merida, Piet Mondrian, Alma Thomas, and Theo van Doesburg to get inspiration to create new art in your own style.

    painting-by-Josef-Albers Maya Hayuk painting-by-Kandinsky Atta Kwami

    painting-by-Malevich Carlos Merida painting-by-Mondrian Alma Thomas painting-by-van-Doesburg

  2. Below are some other ideas that use randomness, color and other artistic elements. Create your own art that incorporates randomness in some way.
    Here is one way you can add randomness to your art: polygon, sides:(pick random (3) to (12)) side length:(pick random (10) to (50))
    Random triangles artColored random squares art
    Colored random rectangles artRandom polygons art
  3. You can modify your polygon block to create stars that you can use in your art work.
    star, points:(number of points) size:(length){repeat(number of points){move(length) steps; turn counterclockwise(720/number of points) degrees}} Stars with 5,7,9 points
  4. Use what you already know to draw a flag you like.
    Flags of the world
  5. Experiment with two kinds of seven-pointed stars:
    Tough Stuff two seven-pointed stars
    1. Figure out how to change your star block so that it can draw either kind. (You'll have to add another input.)
    2. Is there a third kind of seven-pointed star? Why or why not? Discuss this with your partner and maybe with another pair.
    3. How many kinds of nine-pointed stars can you make? Draw them all with your star block.
    4. How many kinds of six-pointed stars are there? Draw a six-pointed star by hand, then try it with your star block. Explain the results.
    5. How many kinds of eight-pointed stars can you make?
    6. Work with your partner to come up with a general theory of stars, so you could predict how many kinds of 98-pointed stars you can make without trying them all.
  6. Star cycle