This lab will summarize, clarify, and extend the ideas you have been studying in Unit 1.
and turn
to control the sprite. Notice which actions change which values.Your stage should look like this with axes, a grid, the origin, and 3 watchers: x position, y position, and direction.
Some programming languages treat the top left corner of the screen as the origin: coordinates get bigger as you move down and right, with no negative coordinates. snap uses the same coordinates you use in algebra.
snap 's coordinates work the way you've learned in mathematics. Direction in snap works differently. snap uses 0 to mean "pointing North" (up) and 90 to mean "pointing East," (right) and so on. This is how compass directions are expressed.
(Mathematics uses a different convention: 0° for pointing in the positive direction along the x-axis, that is, toward the right, increasing as we turn counter-clockwise toward the north (90°) and beyond.)