Predicates and Logic

MF: See also Game of tag

BH: How about some experience before formality? Have them make scripts like forever (go to mouse pos, if x>0 set pen color to red else set

7 + 3 reporting 10 Reporter blocks can report different kinds of values. The plus block, for example, reports a number. Predicates are blocks that always report a Boolean value (either true or false).
    Try to evaluate these without using snap, and then check your answers by building the blocks.
  1. Determine what each of these Boolean expressions will report (without using snap):
    1. not (false)
    2. 22 + 78 = 100
    3. -37 > 34
    4. Talk with Another Pair
    5. 2.17 > 2.7
    6. true and false
    7. true and not (false)
    8. true or false
    9. false or not (false)
  2. Determine what each of these Boolean expressions will report:
    1. not ((55 + 44) = 100)
    2. ((55 + 44) = 100) or ((55 + 44) < 100)
    3. (round 4.7) = 4.7