Testing Your Project

On this page, you will reflect on your specifications to design a testing plan, and then you'll run the tests and fix any errors.

CRD-2.J.1, CRD-2.J.2, CRD-2.J.3

After you develop a prototype, you'll need to test it and revise it based on the results. But testing is more than "just playing with the program as a user." Good testing is systematic (it follows a system). It also requires referring back to the program specifications you wrote to identify a variety of inputs that will test different possibilities for user behavior (including extreme cases, such as very long words, very small numbers, very fast clicks, etc.) and to identify the expected outcomes for these inputs.

  1. Looking back at your specifications, identify: the types of inputs your program takes, a variety of different and extreme cases for these inputs, and the expected outcomes for each case. Record your plan for the testing inputs and their expected outcomes.

What you'll need to do to fix errors in your program depends on what type of error occurs.

CRD-2.I.1, CRD-2.I.2, CRD-2.I.3, CRD-2.I.4


There are many ways to find and correct errors. Here are several common ones:

You learned other techniques for debugging on Unit 3 Lab 1 Page 6: Debugging Recap.
    CRD-2.I parts a and b
  1. Test for errors in your program. Try out the inputs you have selected and record their outcomes. Were there any discrepancies between what you expected and what happened? Resolve any problems and test again.