Preparing Your Personalized Project Reference

On this page, you will develop a Personalized Project Reference sheet based on your Snap! project for use on the AP exam.

There are two different places you will submit images of your code to the College Board:

During the written response portion on the AP exam, you can only use what is on your Personalized Project Reference sheet.

  1. Follow the guidelines provided by the College Board to identify two procedure code segments and two list code segments in your project. Here is a review of the guidelines, but always confirm with the College Board requirements:
    1. The two procedure code segments must show:
      1. A student-developed procedure showing the procedure name, type of data returned by the procedure if any (such as number, text, list, etc.), procedure input or inputs and their use, and the algorithm inside the procedure that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration.
      2. A section of your program that calls that procedure.
    2. The two list code segments must show:
      1. A section of your program that shows how data have been stored in a list and what that list is called.
      2. A section of your program that shows how the data in that same list is used towards the program's purpose.
  2. Make your Personalized Project Reference sheet with the four code segments that you identified above.
    During the AP exam, your school will provide a printout of your Personalized Project Reference sheet for you to use on the exam. For the Practice Create Task, if you find that you cannot answer some of the writing prompts on the next page (Writing About Your Project) using only the four code segments you selected, then you can revise your Personalized Project Reference sheet. On the actual AP exam, you won't be able to revise your Personalized Project Reference, so use the Practice Create Task to think about what makes a good code segment to include on your Personalized Project Reference. On the official Create Task, when you create your Personalized Project Reference sheet for the AP exam, think in advance of how well you'll be able to respond to the prompts on the next page.
  3. Showing Your Code

    Snap! has two convenient ways to get image files of some or all of your code:

    • Creating Script Pics

      You can download a PNG image file of any block or script by right-clicking it (or control-clicking it on a Mac) and selecting "script pic..." Look in your browser's Downloads folder for the image file.

      If you shift-right-click (or shift-control-click) on a reporter block, you can get a script pic of the reporter with its report bubble showing.
      image of pinwheel block definition with right-click drop-down menu showing and mouse over 'script pic...' There is a balloon showing above the pointer that says, 'open a new window with a picture of this script'

    • Exporting All the Images at Once

      You can download an HTML file of all of the blocks in your whole project as well as a picture of the stage by selecting "Export summary..." from the Snap! File menu (File button). The HTML file also lands in your browser's Downloads folder. Open it (in a browser), right-click (or control-click on a Mac) to copy the images you need, and paste them into the document where you are describing your code.
      image of Snap! file menu open with mouse over 'Export summary...' There is a balloon showing above the pointer that says, 'open a new browser browser window with a summary of the project'