Guess My Number

In this lab, you will use two different algorithms to search a list, and you will learn that algorithms are categorized by the time required to run them.

On this page, you will modify your number guessing game from Unit 2 to make the computer do the guessing.

  1. Click the picture to load a version of the number guessing game in which you guess a number from 1 to 60.
    number guessing game
  2. Play a few times. Keep track of how many guesses it takes you to identify the number each time.
  3. Talk with Your Partner Develop a strategy that will identify the secret number in no more than 6 guesses.
  4. Write Out Your Thoughts Write down your strategy clearly enough for others to use it to play the game.
  5. Talk with Another Pair Then compare your algorithm with another pair of students.
  6. Now make the computer guess your number using this strategy.
    There are three sprites with costumes ("too small, "just right," and "too big") that are hidden in your project file. Use the show block in the "Looks" menu to see them.
  7. Save Your Work Save your work.