Unit 6: How Computers Work

Lab 1: Computer Abstraction Hierarchy

This code is similar to a higher-order procedure that you have learned. Talk with Your Partner Identify the procedure that this code imitates:
script variables (result) (index); set result to (list); set index to (0); repeat (length of (words)){ change index by (1); add (join (item (index) of (words)) s) to (result)}; report (result)
for each (word) of (words) {report ((join (word) (s)))}
report (keep items such that (join () (s)) from (words))
report (map (join () (s)) over (words))
report (combine with (join () (s)) items of (words))
Which of the following statements are correct about a low-level programming language compared with a high-level programming language?
  1. Low-level language programs are generally harder for people to understand than programs written in a high-level language.
  2. A low-level language provides programmers with more abstractions than a high-level language.
  3. Low-level language programs are generally harder to debug than programs written in a high-level language.
I only.
I and III only.
II and III only.
I, II, and III.
A program is written in a high-level programming language. Identify the correct statement about the program?
The program can also be written in machine language using binary code, but then it will be less easily understood by people.
The program can also be written in machine language using binary code, which will decrease the possibility of mistakes.
The program cannot be written in binary code as only data can be represented by using binary notation.
Simple parts of the program can be written in binary code, but control elements such as conditionals, loops must be expressed in a high-level programming language.
Which of the following expressions will report true?
  1. (T and F) and (not (T and F))
  2. (not (T or F)) or (T or F)
I only
II only
I and II
Neither I nor II
Which of the following logic circuits will report true? (T stands for true, and F stands for false.)
    This problem is probably harder than something you'll see on the exam, so if you can get this one, you are doing great!
  1. logic gate diagram of (not ((T and F)) or (T and F))
  2. logic gate diagram of ((T or F) and (not (T or F)))
I only
II only
I and II
Neither I nor II

Lab 2: History of Computers

As Gordon Moore observed in 1965, data show that computer processing speeds roughly double every two years. Technology companies use this observation, now known as "Moore’s Law,’ in their planning. From the following, identify which one best describes how technology companies can use Moore’s Law in planning.
They can expect to double their profits every two years.
They can anticipate the precise dates when the latest computing advancements will be available and therefore accurately plan their products in advance.
They can base their R&D (Research and Development) targets on expected future processing speeds.
They can expect their costs to double with each increase in processor speed.