Snap! Cheat Sheet

This guide will show you how to match up the procedures in the AP exam language with the blocks in Snap!. If you need a quick introduction to programming in Snap!, check out the Snap! Crash Course.

Assignment, Display, and Input

There are significant differences between the language used on the AP exam and Snap! in this section.

On the AP Exam
In Snap!
a ← expression
set (a) to (expression)

In Snap!, you must first create a variable before you use assign it a value. You can use the Make a variable button in the Variables palette to create a global variable or script variables (a) to create a local (script) variable.

DISPLAY (expression)
say (expression)
Variations on say:
say (Hello!) for (2) secs
think (Hmm...)
think (I wonder...) for (5) secs
Another way to display:
write (Welcome player!) size (12)

There are several ways to display data to the user in Snap!. One way is in the form of speech balloons that are "spoken" by the sprites on the stage. Here is the behavior that results from running the instruction say (expression):
arrowhead sprite saying the word 'expression' in a speech balloon

In Snap!, there are also variations on this block such as:

The write block is very different, but it's still a form of output to the user. It writes the contents of the first input slot on the stage in the font size written in the second input slot.

ask () and wait

In Snap!, user input is always prompted by running an ask command. The user is asked the question typed into the ask input slot, and their response can be accessed by using the answer block, which can be placed in an input slot just like a variable.

Arithmetic Operators and Numeric Procedures

There are no major differences between the language used on the AP exam and Snap! in this section.

On the AP Exam
In Snap!
a + b

a – b

a * b

a / b
(a) + (b)
(a) – (b)
(a) * (b)
(a) / (b)

These blocks are straightforward. You can put any numeric expressions in the input slots, including numbers or variables. For example: (b) / (2) or ((5) × (c)) + (3)

a MOD b
(a) mod (b)

Same as above: You can use any numeric expressions as input. For example: (((5) × (c)) + (3)) mod (7)

RANDOM (a, b)
pick random (a) to (b)

Same as above: You can use any numeric expressions as input.

Relational and Boolean Operators

There is one difference between the language used on the AP exam and Snap! in this section: you will need to create some procedures yourself.

On the AP Exam
In Snap!
a = b

a ≠ b

a > b

a < b

a ≥ b

a ≤ b

(a) = (b)
There is no block.
(a) > (b)
(a) < (b)
There is no block.
There is no block.

The hexagonal block shape indicates that this is a predicate block; it only reports (returns) true or false.

There are no (not equal), (greater than or equal), or (less than or equal) blocks built into Snap!, but they are simple to build as needed: not ((a) = (b)), not ((a) > (b)), and not ((a) < (b)).

NOT condition
not ()

Hexagonal input slots indicate that a predicate (true/false) expression (a condition)is expected as input.

condition1 AND condition2
() and ()

Same as above: Hexagonal input slots require predicate inputs.

condition1 OR condition2
() or ()

Same as above: Hexagonal input slots require predicate inputs.


There are no major differences between the language used on the AP exam and Snap! in this section.

On the AP Exam
In Snap!
IF (condition)
    <block of statements>

Here is an example of how the if statement could look in Snap! when it has a condition and a sequence of statements:
if (player score > 100)
    go to x: (0) y: (0)
    say (You win!)

IF (condition)
    <first block of statements>
    <second block of statements>
if else

Here is an example of how the if else statement could look in Snap! when it has a condition and two sequences of statements:
if (player 1 score > player 2 score)
    go to x: (100) y: (0)
    say (Player 1 wins!)
    go to x: (-100) y: (0)
    say (Player 2 wins!)


There are no major differences between the language used on the AP exam and Snap! in this section.

On the AP Exam
In Snap!
    <block of statements>

Here is an example of how the repeat statement could look in Snap! when it has an input number and a sequence of statements:
repeat (4) times
    move (100) steps
    turn ↻ (90) degrees
} arrowhead sprite has just drawn a square

REPEAT UNTIL (condition)
    <block of statements>
repeat until

Here is an example of how the repeat until statement could look in Snap! when it has an input number and a sequence of statements:
set (squiral length) to (100)
repeat until (squiral length) < 30
    move (squiral length) steps
    turn ↻ (90) degrees
    change (squiral length) by (-5)
} arrowhead sprite has just drawn a square spiral but stopped before reaching the center

List Operations

There are only small differences in wording and structure between the language used on the AP exam and Snap! in this section.

On the AP Exam
In Snap!
item (i) of (list)

For example, list (hello) (goodbye) reporting the list [hello, goodbye]
item (2) of (list (hello) (goodbye)) reporting 'goodbye'

You can tell what kind of input is expected in each input slot of a block in Snap! by its shape. For example, item () of 'list input slot' takes a number as its first input (indicated by the round input slot) and a list as its second input (indicated by the small picture of a list):
picture of 2-item list
In addition, there is a drop-down menu for the first input slot allowing you to select the first, the last, or a random item from the list instead of typing a number or dragging and dropping a variable in.

list[i] ← list[j]
replace item (i) of (list) with (item (j) of (list))

At first glance, this looks a little different on the exam than in Snap!, but if you read the Snap! out loud, it is clear what it does: It replaces the item at position number i in the list with the item at position number j in the list.

Here's an example:
replace item (2) of (shopping list) with (rye bread)

list ← [value1, value2, value3]
set (list) to (list (value1) (value2) (value3))

In Snap!, it's recommended not to name any variable list because there is a block called list that creates new lists. Here are some examples of better list names (really, anything but "list" is fine; that variable name is only shown at left to match the AP Exam reference sheet): set (shopping list) to (list (apples) (bananas) (oranges) (carrots) (bread) (rice)) set (artist names) to (list (list (Ariana) (Grande)) (list (Bruno) (Mars)) (list (Selena) (Gomez)) )

FOR EACH item IN list
    <block of statements>
for each (item) in (list)

You can change the name of the first variable by clicking it.

Here is an example of how the for each statement could look in Snap! when it has a real list name and a statement inside:
for each (grocery item) in (shopping list) {
    say (grocery item) for (2) secs

INSERT (list, i, value)
insert (value) at (i) of (list)
The insert command in Snap! works the same as the
procedure in the language on the AP exam; only the order of the inputs is different.
APPEND (list, value)
add (value) to (list)
The Snap! add command works like the
procedure; only the order of inputs is different.
REMOVE (list, i)
delete (i) of (list)
The Snap! delete command works like the
procedure; only the order of inputs is different.
LENGTH (list)
length of (list)

Note that Snap! has two length blocks:

You can tell them apart by the palette they are in (Variables or Operators), their color, and the shape of their input slot (a tiny picture of a list or a white typing slot for words).


On the AP Exam
In Snap!
PROCEDURE name (parameter1, parameter2, ...)
Empty command block definitionname (parameter1) (parameter2) {}

In Snap!, procedures that do something are called commands. Command blocks have a rectangular, puzzle-piece shape because they are instructions to the computer designed to be snapped together one after another.

When you make a block, you choose the name of the block, the input parameters, and the palette it should appear in (the color). Then you design the instructions that will run when the block is clicked. Here is an example of what a real command block definition might look like in Snap!: draw square, size: (size) {
    pen down
    repeat (4) {
        move (size) steps
        turn ↻ (90) degrees

You can learn more about making block and adding inputs on the Snap! Cheat Sheet.

PROCEDURE name (parameter1, parameter2, ...)
    RETURN expression
Empty reporter block definitionname (parameter1) (parameter2) {report ()}

In Snap!, procedures that report (return) a value are called reporters. Reporter blocks have a rounded shape and they can either be clicked to report a value to the programmer or they can be dropped into an empty input slot of another block to be used as input.

When you make a reporter block, the block definition automatically includes a report block. The value of the expression in the input slot of this report block is the value that is returned when the reporter is run.

Here is an example of what a real reporter block definition might look like in Snap!:
PROCEDURE double (x)
    RETURN (2 * x)


These blocks do not exist in Snap!, but Snap! has something similar: sprite motion. The big difference is that the robot blocks in the AP language work on a grid, so the robot can move only vertically or horizontally. In Snap!, sprites move much more flexibility, but you can use Snap! blocks to simulate robot motion.

On the AP Exam
Notes on Recreating in Snap!

In Snap!, you can use the move ( ) steps block to move the sprite forward any number of steps.

On the exam, you can't give
an input, so if you want to move more than one grid square, you have to call the procedure repeatedly.
You can use the move block in Snap! to simulate the AP
procedure: Just use an input that is exactly the same size as the side length of the squares in your grid.


In Snap!, you can use the turn ↺ (90) degrees and turn ↻ (90) degrees blocks to turn the sprite any number of degrees.

On the exam, you can't give
an input; these AP procedures always turn exactly 90 degrees since they are used only to move a robot in a grid.
You can use the turn ↺ or turn ↻ blocks in Snap! to simulate the AP
procedures: Just use 90 degrees as the input.
CAN_MOVE (direction)
In Snap!, there are several ways to detect what is around the sprite, but since there is no robot, there is nothing quite like
CAN_MOVE (direction)
, which returns true or false depending on whether or not the robot can move in that direction without running into a wall or walking off of the maze.

In Snap!, you can use these blocks to help your sprites determine how to move: touching 'color input slot'?, color 'color input slot' is touching 'color input slot'?, and
touching () ? block with menu open showing three options: mouse-pointer, edge, and pen trails